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About us

Jiangsu Taizhou ZHONGXING CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd is Suzhong District’s professional the electricity processes the equipments factory. specialising in the design and production of intricate the number controls the electricity processes the machine bed in accordance.The Company has spared no effort to improve product quality and technical level.

With an area space of 35000 sqm. the measurements of the building has 24000 sqr.The empployee has more than 350 people.More than 40 senior technical engineers. It is judged star company for many years.

For many years the employee exalts the incorporation works hard,self -renewals practicality,"Innovative technology, First Class Management, Excellent Quality,Satisfied

The main products include DK77 Series CNC Wire Cutting EDM,low speed to walk the line incise,the ZXEDM Electrical spark discharge machine, the ZXD703 high speed electrical spark hole drilling machine, ZX Series CNC Milling machine,ZX CNC engraving machines and ZX Computerized Numerical Control .

The company consistently pursures the principle of ’quality first, Customer Highest’, regarding market as leader, putting customers’ satisfaction as the NO.1 priority, serving

all customers enthusiastically.



Contact: Qu Manager

Phone: +86-13815965809

Tel: +86-0523-86663100


Add: Dongfeng Road, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, province

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