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 In order for us to better serve you, please contact the customer service representative directly if you know, if not, please select an appropriate destination below or use our online live support, Our goal is to respond to all of your questions within 24 hours.
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Contact Details
Jiangsu Taizhou ZHONGXING CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd
Add :28 Xingling Road, Hailing Industrial Park, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province   225300
Mobile tel (Sale): +86-13815965809
Mobile tel (Service):+86-523-82908118
Tel:+86-523-86663100   86665986

28 Xingling Road, Hailing Industrial Park, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province28 Xingling Road, Hailing Industrial Park, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province



Contact: Qu Manager

Phone: +86-13815965809

Tel: +86-0523-86663100


Add: Dongfeng Road, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, province

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