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You must know the operating skills of the middle-wire WEDM machine

Here are a few tips on the operation of the middle wire WEDM machine tool, and learn it quickly.
You must know the operating skills of the middle-wire WEDM machine

Here are a few tips on the operation of the middle wire WEDM machine, let's learn it together.

First, when the machining accuracy of the middle wire-cut wire cutting machine is very high, in the case of edge processing, due to the high accuracy requirements, in order to improve the accuracy and improve the product quality, although the molybdenum wire is very thin, the cutting calculation The radius of the molybdenum wire should also be added to the length, this error cannot be ignored.

Second, when cutting aluminum with a medium-wire wire cutting machine, you only need to prepare a shorter conductive block, if the amount of aluminum to be cut is relatively small. When processing, it is necessary to brush a little kerosene on the molybdenum wire every half an hour. The purpose of brushing kerosene is to clean the oxidation on the molybdenum wire. You can also use other things to remove the alumina on the surface. When cutting aluminum, you can knead the molybdenum wire into a ball, then squash the ball, and finally put it on the guide block, which is very easy to use and low in cost.

Third, check the conductive block of the wire-cutting machine tool during regular inspection. If the groove is too deep, replace it, because the groove is too deep and the cutting wire will be jammed. If you see that the cutting wire turns into a spiral shape, you need to replace it immediately, otherwise it will affect the quality of the cutting process.

Fourth, when cutting a large workpiece, it depends on whether the length of the machine tool is sufficient for the workpiece to be cut. It is best to calculate it first.



Contact: Qu Manager

Phone: +86-13815965809

Tel: +86-0523-86663100


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